Have you had your tubes tied?

Many women have had their tubes tied and many now desire a baby. If this is you then join the many other women who are desiring the same thing. Do you suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? Are you trying to tell the world what is happening to you but no one wants to listen? Have you been told PTLS does not exist? I invite you to read and join in with comments and make being a woman easier. :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

When To Discuss Early Pregnancy Monitoring Protocol After Tubal Reversal


positive-pregnancy-test Now that you have had the tubal reversal surgery it is very important to follow the Early Pregnancy Protocol. One of the best pieces of advice to if you think there may be a slight chance that you are pregnant begin with the HPT’s.

Early Pregnancy Protocol is so important and the staff at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center cannot stress this enough. Because there is a slightly higher chance of ectopic pregnancy it is very important to have your HCG levels checked when recommended.

This can be a source of stress with many tubal reversal patients. When you are considering having the tubal reversal procedure it is very important to make sure your regular doctor knows about the protocol and is will to follow it.

A few women on the tubal reversal message board have made sure that their physicians were told about the Early Pregnancy Protocol and then the day arrives when they get the positive pregnancy test only to find out the physician is no onboard with protocol.

There is not any woman who wants to find out after she is pregnant that her physician has changed his/her mind about the protocol. This does nothing but cause stress for those involved.

Before having your tubal reversal procedure it is recommended that you print out the Tubal Reversal Early Pregnancy Protocol and bring it to you local physician and be sure they will follow it. It is much easier to find a new physician before you are pregnant rather than while you are pregnant.

Blogger Labels: Pregnancy,Protocol,Tubal Reversal,surgery,advice,Chapel,Hill,Center,procedure,doctor,message,physician,woman,pieces,physicians

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tubal Reversal Women and the Courage it Takes

The journey to tubal reversal is something that many of us do not think about. But, imagine having your tubes tied because you are in a bad marriage or just think you are done having children? I am sure that is something that many of us have done. What many do not hear about is the women that do not want their tubes tied and know it but still go through with it.

The days of guilt after having the procedure performed seem endless. Some get divorced and remarry and their new spouse has no children of his own. The guilt just gets stronger and stronger and festers to the point where that is all one thinks about.

Then we find out there is a procedure performed that is called tubal ligation reversal surgery. Of course we research. Many find the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009, which was produced by Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center, and we are amazed that the pregnancy success rate following tubal reversal is better than following IVF (in vitro fertilization). Who would have thought?

It almost seems too good to be true right? The cost must be about the price of a house we think with those odds. It isn’t at all near the price of a house. The tubal reversal procedure at CHTRC, which is the leading Center, is under $7000.00.

Why does it cost so much less than other places? Because the surgeons perform the surgery as an outpatient procedure and they are highly trained in the field Not only is this safer for the patient but also less expensive with no hospital bills involved.

With a repair rate of 98% there is any surgeon out there with better repair statistics. Not only is this great news there is also a prepayment plan that can be used so that the cost doesn’t have to be as large all at once.

Guilt is a very powerful emotion. And the more women that know that tubal reversal surgery is available and actually had great pregnancy success the less guilt there will be.

If you are researching tubal reversal surgery be sure to visit the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website. There is a very active message board with plenty of women who have gone through the procedure (and yes have tubal reversal babies) that are more than happy to answer questions.

The tubal reversal nurses are also available for a free phone consultation at: (919) 967-8637

Friday, October 1, 2010

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Should Be Heard About


Because there are so many women out there suffering from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome many are searching for answers. Why is it that they were never warned about PTLS before their ligations? Is the medical field ever going to acknowledge this?

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center Helps Women With PTLS

For those who are suffering with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome you may have researched on the Internet and found Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. This Center performs just tubal ligation reversals and are the experts in the field with a 98% repair rate.

With more and more women beginning to speak out about PTLS there are also more seeking tubal ligation reversals to relieve the symptoms.

Will Women Finally Be Heard?

Women that have contacted CHTRC get a surprise that they do not expect. They are met by nurses and surgeons who are willing to listen to them and actually offer support. Both Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith perform tubal reversals to help ease the symptoms of PTLS.

With careful data being kept on the patients after surgery it is proving that tubal reversal is not only relieving the symptoms but patients are reporting that the symptoms tend to disappear rather quickly.

Need More Information on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome?

For those who are searching for more information please visit: Http://

The tubal reversal nurses can also be reached seven days a week for a free phone consultation by calling: (919) 968-4656.

There is also a message board and a blog full of information on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome which also contains personal patient stories.