For some who are considering tubal reversal pregnancy the following question has come up:
Is there a guarantee that I will become pregnant after tubal reversal surgery?
There is no guarantee that any woman will become pregnant at anytime in her life even when all conditions are right. They same holds true after tubal reversal surgery. Though there are highly skilled surgeons that perform tubal reversal surgery they cannot guarantee you will become pregnant.
When researching surgeons for tubal reversal surgery one of the most important things you can do is to make sure the surgeon is an expert in the field. For those that cannot give accurate pregnancy statistics then it is time to look elsewhere.
For those who are looking for tubal reversal surgeons and looking for facts there is a ton of information to be found on the Internet. There are questions to keep in mind so that you can be guaranteed the possible chance of conceiving a baby after tubal reversal surgery.
How long has the Dr. been performing tubal reversal surgery?
Is this the field of expertise for the physician?
Do they follow-up on the patients after surgery?
Do they keep records or
statistics of pregnancies after surgery?
For many these do not look like bad questions but very few tubal reversal surgeons can give informative and accurate answers to all of the above.
One of the most well known places women go for tubal reversal surgery is
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith are the tubal reversal surgeons along with a very dedicated staff to assist them.
Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the only center to collect data from their tubal reversal patients and document pregnancy successes. Because Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith are solely dedicated to tubal reversal surgery they are able to have successful results even with the more intricate tubal reversals due to more severe types of
tubal ligations performed thus causing more damage to the fallopian tubes.
Because tubal reversal surgery is performed on an
outpatient basis not only is it less expensive it is much safer for the women. There is no chance of acquiring an infection from the hospital and less anesthesia being used for surgery.
The website has an abundance of information for those interested in tubal reversal surgery. A
message board that is always active offers not only answers but also support from others facing the same decisions. A blog filled with information and patient satisfaction reports from patients who are announcing their awaited pregnancies or those thanking Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith and the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center staff.