Have you had your tubes tied?

Many women have had their tubes tied and many now desire a baby. If this is you then join the many other women who are desiring the same thing. Do you suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? Are you trying to tell the world what is happening to you but no one wants to listen? Have you been told PTLS does not exist? I invite you to read and join in with comments and make being a woman easier. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tubes Tied And Can’t Afford IVF

Having your tubes tied may feel like the biggest mistake you have made in your life. You would give everything to undo this and have all be right again in the baby-making world. For many the price of IVF is not something they can even afford to think about much less pay for. But all hope does not have to be lost.

Having your tubes tied and can’t afford IVF does not mean there can’t be anymore babies in your future. There is a procedure that costs much less and can be performed as an outpatient surgery so that you are not spending time in the hospital. This procedure is called tubal ligation reversal.

Tubal ligation reversal is pretty much what it states it is. It takes an expert tubal ligation reversal surgeon to “undo” those tied tubes and repair them and put them back together so that the sperm and egg can meet and form the baby you desire.

Tubal ligation reversal is affordable. The price can range depending on where you have the surgery performed. Some surgeons still perform this surgery in the hospital setting, which raises the overall cost. While other surgeons performed tubal ligation reversal as an outpatient procedure. Not only is it less expensive it is safer. The reason it is safer is because all of the patients are there for the same thing and not because of various illnesses.

For more information on affordable tubal ligation reversal please take a moment and view Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Not only are they dedicated solely to tubal ligation reversal and blocked fallopian tubes they are the Center to produce statistics on tubal reversal which are used by surgeons all over the world.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Chances Of Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal: Baby Please

So, you have finally met Mr. Right have told him that you have had a tubal ligation and you know how much he would like a child of his own. You have researched everything that you could find on tubal reversal and think this may be the way to go to give him the baby he desires.

You set up the appointment with the tubal reversal surgeon and the surgeon explains just how the surgery is performed. Whether it is performed in the hospital or as outpatient, the price of the procedure, how long it takes to heal. You now have all of the information except for one piece of the puzzle. How long will it take me to get pregnant? How many of your patients actually GET pregnant? Now pay attention to the answer!

For many surgeons who perform tubal reversal surgery the answers are not clear. If given a number where does this number come from? Many times women who have their minds made up walk away from these consultations confused. Why wasn’t there any concrete evidence shown to us? And the sinking feeling is beginning to set in.

First, there is not one tubal reversal surgeon on this planet that can guarantee you are going to get pregnant. They give the CHANCE to get pregnant again. Second, there is only one Center that has performed an extensive study that has released the Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Report 2009. If you have been researching tubal reversal surgery for anytime you have probably heard the name Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith have dedicated their careers to tubal reversal and the repair of blocked fallopian tubes.

The good news is that many of the tubal reversal surgeons are now using these statistics to have concrete evidence to show women and couples that tubal reversal does in fact have an excellent pregnancy rate.

For more information on tubal reversal surgery the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has a vast amount of information located on the website. There’s a blog, message board and over 40 tubal reversal videos. Stop chasing information and go straight to the source on tubal reversal.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why Couples Choose Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center

Why do couples choose Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center? There are many reasons and we will touch on a few. One of the first reasons is that the Center is dedicated to tubal reversal and the repair of blocked fallopian tubes.

Dr. Gary Berger is a pioneer in the field of tubal ligation reversal. With over thirty years of experience and the Medical Director of the worlds best known tubal reversal center. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith perform outpatient tubal ligation reversal with the average surgery lasting about an hour.

The Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is the Center that collected data from over 5000 women and produced the Pregnancy Report 2009. Not only does this report detail the fact that tubal ligation reversal has a better pregnancy rate than the alternative of IVF but is being used by other tubal ligation reversal surgeons in the community. Many times in articles you will hear of the Pregnancy Report and it will be linked to other tubal reversal websites.

The center has a proven track record in the exceptional patient care and safety it gives to the patients. There is no better fact than what is written in the patient satisfaction messages. The tubal reversal message board is full of women who are researching tubal reversal and being helped by those who have already been through the surgery.

If you are researching tubal reversal be sure to check out the tubal reversal videos. There are currently over 40 and more are being made and added to the website to help women and couples understand the journey of tubal ligation reversal.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Tubes Untied - Helping Hearts To Heal

For too many women having a tubal ligation has caused heartache and regret. But, for those who desire children again affordable tubal ligation reversal is available. Having your tubes untied will help your heart heal and make it possible to have the dream of holding your baby come true.

Many times when a woman has decided that she wants a child after tubal ligation those in the medical field will tell her the way to go is IVF. The problem with this is that many cannot afford the first round of treatment much less the subsequent rounds if the first treatment does not take.

With tubal ligation reversal surgery there is the one time fee, which is less than one round of IVF. Not only is it less expensive it is more natural and the couple has the chance to conceive each month. Do not have the money to pay for the surgery right away? Ask to use the centers prepayment plan. By using the prepayment plan you can put a little money in as you go. This way it is not an expense that has to be paid all at once.

In the meantime if you are using the prepayment plan many women use this time to get their bodies ready for the trying to conceive journey. By starting on a prenatal vitamin, getting to your optimum weight and living a healthier lifestyle you will be ready to go as soon as your body is healed.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center is dedicated solely to tubal ligation reversal and the repair of fallopian tubes. This is the only existing center to have collected data and produced the 2009 Pregnancy Report.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tubal Reversal Sisters For Support

When a woman chooses to have a tubal reversal so that she can have children again after a tubal ligation there are times when some extra support may be needed. From the beginning with the choice to research tubal reversal to the end when the baby arrives can be a very emotional time.

Choosing to have tubal reversal can be and is a very frustrating time for some. But, having support along the way can make all the difference in the world. At Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center located in Chapel Hill, North Carolina the only procedures performed are outpatient tubal ligation reversals and the repair of blocked fallopian tubes.

For many on the tubal reversal message board they have taken solace in the fact that they know they are understood there as well as supported in the decision to have tubal reversed. The bonds that have been formed by these women results in becoming “Tubal Reversal Sisters” and can be quite inspiring.

Although tubal reversal surgery can be exciting and fun there are times when thee women do feel down. Trying to conceive, figure out their cycles and miscarriages are just a few of the problems that can be encountered.

Having the support from their tubal reversal sisters makes the journey just a little easier to get through.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tubal Reversal Dye Test

Many times after a women has gone through tubal reversal surgery and does not conceive as fast as expected she will ask for a tubal reversal dye test. What the dye test does is confirm whether or not the tubes are still open.

The name of the test is called a hysterosalpingogram but is almost always called the HSG test. And what the technician does it put dye into the uterus until it spills over into the fallopian tubes.

For some who have had the tubal reversal surgery the results may come back that there is a blocked tube and in all reality it is not. If you get the results that you have a blocked tube send the results to an expert right away. Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center have seen this happen to many tubal reversal patients. In the majority of the time it was the results of the test being interpreted wrong. A vast majority of the time not enough dye and pressure was used causing the dye not to flow through the fallopian tubes.

Another factor that can caused a tube to look blocked is that as the dye is being pushed the fallopian tube will spasm and not allow the dye to pass.

If you are a tubal reversal patient of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center and have negative results from a HSG please forward the results to Dr. Berger or Dr. Monteith right away. Do not despair until you hear the official word from the tubal reversal surgeons. All too many women have given up hope to become pregnant believing they had blocked fallopian tubes only to get a positive pregnancy test.

Outpatient Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery

I cannot think of anyone that I personally know that has said he or she likes going to the hospital. And the same holds true for women who are looking to have tubal ligation reversal surgery. The wonderful thing is that this procedure can be performed as an outpatient procedure and not only is it less expensive it is safer.

Outpatient tubal ligation reversal surgery is considered safer as opposed to being performed in the hospital. The first question that is heard many times is how can this be? How can it be safer than in the hospital where they have physicians and all the medical equipment needed?

First, when you are having top-notch surgeons perform your outpatient tubal ligation reversal surgery they have an emergency plan in place. If something was to go wrong they have an emergency plan set up with the local hospital and being the best at what they do they are very well known and respected by their colleagues.

Next, another important safety factor to consider is the following. When you walk into the hospital for a procedure what do all the other people that are around you have? What do the people that were there right before you have? The answer is clear that is part of the unknown.

Hospital acquired infections run rampant and there are people that work very hard cleaning and killing the infections but it still happens. With having the outpatient tubal ligation reversal surgery all the people are there for the same thing.

Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center has long been known as the tubal reversal center of choice. Couples travel from all over the world to have their surgery performed here and many, many babies were welcomed to the world after the procedure.

I have posted a “Virtual Tour of Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center” with this post. If you are researching outpatient tubal reversal the CHTRC website has over 40 tubal reversal videos available for viewing.