Have you had your tubes tied?

Many women have had their tubes tied and many now desire a baby. If this is you then join the many other women who are desiring the same thing. Do you suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? Are you trying to tell the world what is happening to you but no one wants to listen? Have you been told PTLS does not exist? I invite you to read and join in with comments and make being a woman easier. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tubal Reversal- Which Early Pregnancy Test Is the Best?

In most cases the reason a woman gets a tubal reversal is to have more children. Although there are some who get the tubal reversal to relieve the symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome the majority want to have one or more children.

After having the tubal reversal procedure the woman must take the time to heal. The leading surgeons at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center recommend that a couple can begin to try to conceive as soon as the woman feels up to it. Many begin just a few short weeks later. The time to recover from tubal reversal depends on the individual and if a woman tries to do too much too soon.

On the tubal reversal message board woman who have fully recovered and are now trying to conceive ask what is the best early pregnancy test to use there is a variety of answers offered. Some of the top recommended brands are:

The Dollar Store Brand- Many have good luck with this test. It is highly recommended for those POAS addicts. What is POAS? This is a term that is used for “Pee On A Stick”.
Clear Blue Digital Easy Digital

Getting the tests online is much more cost effective. Many times you can order in bulk and then save on the shipping. For those who like to begin testing soon after ovulation and suspecting it may still be too early it is both more cost effective as well as well as time saving.

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