Have you had your tubes tied?

Many women have had their tubes tied and many now desire a baby. If this is you then join the many other women who are desiring the same thing. Do you suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? Are you trying to tell the world what is happening to you but no one wants to listen? Have you been told PTLS does not exist? I invite you to read and join in with comments and make being a woman easier. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pain and Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome

Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome affects some women after they have a tubal ligation or their tubes tied. Often they will bounce from doctor to doctor only to be told there is nothing that can be diagnosed because all test results will come back normal. Women will absolutely know that there is “something” wrong but they cannot convince those in the medical field.

How is Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Diagnosed?

Because there is no one medical test that can be used to check for PTLS there is no concrete evidence to prove that this syndrome actually happens. If you are a woman suffering with this there is not one person who is going to convince you that PTLS is not real. Because there are so many symptoms that can take place with PTLS it means that there can be a large number of tests run. In the meantime, women are suffering and insurance companies do not recognize that PTLS is something that actually happens to women.

Women Seeking Answers

There is nothing more aggravating then having someone tell you there is nothing wrong. The reason you are losing your hair is because there has to be some type of stress or hair thinning is hereditary. The reason why you periods are now to the point where you can’t function is because you are getting older. The reason your mood swings are so bad is because you are depressed and must need a medication for it. Any of the above reasons sound familiar?

There are women who will not be dismissed so easily. This is not in their heads and they will not learn to “live with it”. The want their lives back and they want the problem fixed. They begin researching on their own. There have not been many studies performed on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. The ones that can be found differ so much between results that getting any evidence is practically impossible.

Women Finding Answers

In their research women are discovering that they are not alone. One great example is Karen’s example, which is titled Tubal Ligation Side Effects? Then Undo Tubal Ligation.

Having had to deal with PTLS symptoms and getting no answers she decided to contact Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center. Karen is just one woman who took control of things and managed to get her life back.

Tubal ligation reversal has been helping women all over the globe conquer Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. There are women that still do not even know this happens because if they put two and two together and challenge the medical community they tend to get nowhere fast.

For more information on PTLS pain and how it affects women feel free to visit the Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center website. Here you will find real women who have suffered and how they found relief.

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