Have you had your tubes tied?

Many women have had their tubes tied and many now desire a baby. If this is you then join the many other women who are desiring the same thing. Do you suffer from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome? Are you trying to tell the world what is happening to you but no one wants to listen? Have you been told PTLS does not exist? I invite you to read and join in with comments and make being a woman easier. :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tubal Ligation Reversal And Knowing Ovulation

For those who have undergone tubal ligation reversal to have more children after a tubal ligation knowing when you ovulate is very important. Many women are eager to begin to try to conceive and get that positive pregnancy test.

After tubal ligation reversal it takes time for your body to return to normal. It may take a few months for your system to get back to a regular pattern. This was surgery and your body needs time to heal. For those who have been suffering from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome this is certainly going to be different with those PTLS symptoms finally beginning to go away.

For those who are looking into tubal ligation reversal surgery now is the time to start figuring out when you ovulate. Many patients on the tubal ligation reversal message board have stated that they wish they had done this. It would have saved them confuson and time.

The tubal ligation reversal experts at Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center recommend the following ways to know when you are about to ovulate.

  • Use Ovulation Predictor Kits-these kits are very helpful for those who have irregular cycles or their cycles are returning to normal after tubal ligation reversal surgery. These come in different brands and are available at any drugstore usually near the pregnancy tests.
  • Basil Body Temperature-this is a technique in which the body temperature is taken upon rising first thing every morning and then put on a chart. By following the temperature rise and falls a woman is able to tell impending ovulation and when ovulation has occurred. There are websites that are available to help with this a great one is This is a little harder for some to learn but after a few months you will begin to recognize your body’s rhythm.

After a few months of using these two ways of figuring out when you ovulate you will begin to notice body signs even before you use the OPK. Many times women will have slight pain on one side right before ovulation. Others will have a slight pulling feeling and maybe some mild cramping.

Tubal ligation reversal patients need to remember that it will take time for your body to heal. Once this is complete you are well on your way to that positive pregnancy test.

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